LRAV Closed Starting 3/18 Until Further Notice

3/20 update: Adoptions will continue! Learn more here
Mayor Frank Scott Jr. announced yesterday that all city facilities are to be closed starting Wednesday, March 18th as part of the city's efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. As a city facility, that includes the Little Rock Animal Village.
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY LRAV WILL BE OPEN to the public until further notice
They will of course continue to have staff at the shelter daily to care for the animals, just like they do on Sundays, Mondays, and holidays. Animal Services Officers will continue to work high priority calls first as usual. No owner surrendered animals will be taken during the closure unless it is deemed an emergency.
After today, to search for a lost pet at the Little Rock Animal Village you will need to email LRAV and include the following details:
description of your pet
where they went missing from
when they went missing
owner's name
owner's phone number
photo of the pet
Staff will look through the kennels for your lost pet submissions and contact you if they believe they are there.
Of course we always recommend that if you have lost or found a pet, you check Arkansas Lost & Found Pet Network and submit their information as a lost pet or a found pet if you don't see them already posted. On their facebook page from a desktop browser, you can search posts via the posts section of their page (screenshot below). It's important to continue to check for found/lost posts. Often people submit a lost or found pet and assume the other party will see it, but if they both assume that, neither will see the other's post. We also recommend that you check Nextdoor if you are a member of your neighborhood's Nextdoor community. This has proven to be a powerful tool for reuniting lost pets with their families.

If you have been thinking about adopting a new best friend, TODAY is the day to do it! If you are not currently working or are working from home due to efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, this is really the perfect time to introduce a new pet to your home. You can see some of the available pets on our website, but there are even more at the shelter who haven't had their pictures taken yet. They will be open to the public from 11am until 5pm today for adoptions.

New pets need time to acclimate
The graphic above is about dogs but the same goes for kitties!

What do we need?
Full-size bath towels are one of their greatest needs right now. They can and will gladly accept donations of clean, used towels. Donations can be bagged and left at their front door during the closure on days they would normally be open (Tues-Sat). They are located at 4500 Kramer Street, behind Cost Plus Furniture on South University, next to First Tee.
You can also purchase needed supplies from our Amazon Wish List and have them sent directly to the Little Rock Animal Village.
Don't forget to use Amazon Smile! When you use Amazon Smile, a % of every purchase you make goes to the non-profit of your choice. The catch is you just have to go to when you're ready to check out and complete the purchase from there. Click here to learn more about Amazon Smile.
We may not have an answer, but we will try our level best to get one for you. Just send us an email. We appreciate your patience as we and the staff at the Little Rock Animal Village navigate this new situation.