Georgie the Overweight Tabby

Georgie the overweight tabby is on a quest that many people are currently struggling with: acceptance and happiness. Georgie is a 27 lbs, nine-year-old cat who was recently surrendered by his owner. Friends of the Animal Village put out a call for a foster, and one of our very own board members answered!
Georgie obviously ate a bunch of human food because he cannot find solace in his cat food. His new foster mom has put him on a strict "catkins" diet. His hobbies include basking in windows, playing with golf balls, getting brushed, and following his foster mom around like a dog. Georgie has no desire to go outside and is great with a litter box. He's a big cuddle bug with a need of constant affection.

Like all cats, he's extremely curious. The other day, his foster mom was crafting and being as large as Georgie is, lost his footing, stepped in pink paint. He then continued to prance around the room, marking his every move until he fell into the glitter. With a little help, Georgie can lose some weight, find some self confidence in his footing and become a confident cat. If you're interested to see how you can become a foster to change an animals life for the better, contact the Little Rock Animal Village.