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Meet Augustus! FAV's Dog of the Week

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Little Augustus (Pet ID# 34299) is ready to give you some lovin'!

Augustus (Pet ID# 34299) is a young terrier who was in rough shape when he came to the Little Rock Animal Village. He appeared to have been on his own for quite some time. The staff at the Animal Village have taken great care of him since then and now he's ready to go to a forever home where he can be someone's buddy and be cared for and loved like he deserves!

Please contact the Village if you're interested in Augustus (Pet ID# 34299) : (501) 376-3067.

You can also download our Adoption Form and bring with you to LRAV, or e-mail the completed form to:

And of course, you can always go by the Village, open 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Tuesday - Saturday to meet Augustus face-to-face or to meet our other awesome dogs and cats in need of homes.

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