FAV Heartworm Fund
Cost to treat 1 dog for Heartworms = $200-400
Heartworms are a serious problem in the South. A large number of the animals that come to the Little Rock Animal Village every day are heartworm positive. Although it is inexpensive to prevent them, treating heartworms is quite costly, and the Little Rock Animal Village simply does not have the funds to treat every heartworm positive animal. Traditionally this has meant that adopters of heartworm positive animals must pay for the treatment themselves. It can cost up to (and sometimes over) $1,000 to treat heartworms at a private vet, so the obligation to pay for treatment can understandably be a deterrent to adopting a heartworm positive animal when there are others they can adopt who won’t need such treatment.
That's where we step in...

​Through our Heartworm Fund we are able to help adopters with the cost of treatment so that heartworms are no longer a deterrent to adoption. Funded by your donations, the Heartworm Fund ensures that the cost of adopting a heartworm positive dog is no more than that of a heartworm negative dog, removing a significant barrier to adoption for dozens of dogs since the fund's inception.
Help us save the lives of heartworm positive dogs at the Animal Village by making a donation to our Heartworm Fund today.
Since establishing the FAV Heartworm Fund in May 2015, more than 300 heartworm positive dogs have received treatment and been adopted.