Records Broken by LRAV in 2015
346 + 243 + 436 + 1,636 = A record-smashing year at the Little Rock Animal Village! What do those numbers mean? The short version: 2,661...

Forever Home Friday!
It's Forever Home Friday! Remember Lil Bit, the tiny senior chihuahua we posted about last month? She was adopted by a wonderful family...

FAV Heartworm Fund
Heartworms are a serious problem in the South. A large number of animals coming into shelters are heartworm positive as a result of...

4th Annual Doggie Paddle Day
Doggie Paddle Day was a great success once again this year! We held this year's event on Saturday, Oct. 17—much fun was had by both the...

Happy National Dog Day! (And Happy Pit Bull Week!)
Dog bless America, it's National Dog Day! Did you know it's also Pit Bull Week? The Huffington Post celebrates Pit Bull Week every year...

Rescue Waggin' #2,000
Today is a big day!! The Little Rock Animal Village is sending it’s 2,000th dog on the Petsmart Charities Rescue Waggin’ today. LRAV has...

Forever Home Friday: Bella Update
Adoption Update: Heartworm positive Jenn was adopted from the Little Rock Animal Village a few months ago. Her name is now Bella, and her...

Who We Are & What We Do
We just reached 1,800 likes on Facebook! That may not sound like much, but that's double where we were about this time last year. Since...

Peanut's Story
Many of you have already met Peanut either through Facebook or in real-life at the Village. For those of you who haven't, Peanut is a...

Arkansas's First Cat Café at LRAV
Cat Cafés, which have been a longstanding and popular tradition in Europe, are beginning to pop up in the United States. Beginning this...