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Friends of the Animal Village


We are very proud of the strides we've made towards increasing pet adoptions and improving the quality of life for each and every animal at Little Rock Animal Village. But most of all, we are very grateful to the FAV members, donors, volunteers, and Village staff who make it possible.


So much happens behind the scenes that contribute to our mission of assisting the Village—it's impossible to list everything out! Below are just a few of the accomplishments we're proud of from our first five years since FAV's founding in the fall of 2010. We've been so busy knocking it out of the park since then that we now publish fancy annual reports that detail our successes. Check them out below!


Friends of the Animal Village is so active now that perusing our social media accounts and Annual Reports are the easiest ways to keep up with what we've been up to!


  • January 17th :: Big Red Ball Homebrew Contest

The Big Red Ball Charitable Foundation / the Little Rock Kickball Association hosted their first-ever Homebrew Contest at Next Level Events, and donated the proceeds to FAV/LRAV. We brought along some adoptables from the Village to enjoy the fun (sans the brews, of course!) and were able to promote our city's wonderful shelter to those in attendance.

Amount raised: $1,750



  • December 13th :: Santa Paws Holiday Party

Our 2nd annual holiday fundraiser took place at Little Rock's historic Trapnall Hall, and was presented by Landers FIAT of Benton. The shindig was a huge success and was covered by local media, including Arkansas Times, Soiree, and the High Profile section of the Democrat-Gazette. Tickets included food and drinks, photos with Santa & his furry helper from the Village, a fabulous silent auction, and free micro-chipping for all pets in the guest's household. 
Amount raised: $10,000


  • November 2nd :: Doggie Paddle Day

FAV's 3nd annual dog swim event—where we invite the public to bring their dogs to swim and play—was held at Jim Dailey Fitness & Aquatic Center. Entry was $10 per dog. Over 100 dogs (and their owners) attended and several local media outlets covered the event. Not only did we raise more money this year than ever before, we also were able to microchip over 35 dogs at the event thanks to our friends at All About Labs.

Amount raised: $1,474


  • September 27th :: Little Rocktoberfest

FAV had a table set up at the 2014 Rocktoberfest event. We were able to meet and mingle, promote the Village, and sell our FAV merchandise to folks in attendance. 

Amount raised: $195


  • April 19th :: Presidential Pets

FAV and the LRAV set up tables and the Mobile Adoption Unit in front of the Clinton Presidential Library during their exhibition about Presidential Pets in the White House. 12 animals were adopted on the spot. 

Amount raised: $195.87


  • February 2014 :: Casey's Story

Young Casey Chandler helped raise money for FAV in style. First, she organized a Hot Cocoa stand and donated all proceeds. Then, she designed and sold t-shirts around Valentine's Day which read, "Pets Make Paw Prints On Your Heart." 

Amount raised: $730


  • February 20th :: "Paint for Pets" Fundraiser

The public was invited to attend this FAV fundraiser held at Spirited Art in Little Rock, who graciously donated a portion of the proceeds to FAV.

Amount raised: $220


  • February 11th :: $100K Check Presented to LRAV

At Little Rock Board of Directors Meeting, FAV presented the Little Rock Animal Village with a check for $100,000, which we received from an anonymous donor. The money will be used to build a new facility at the Village specially for housing dogs that are being evaluated to participate in the PetSmart Charities Rescue Waggin' program. This incredible announcement made most local news outlets, including the Democrat-Gazette, KARK, and KTHV.
Amount donated to the Village: $100,000



  • December 14th :: Santa Paws Holiday Party

Our first ever holiday fundraiser at the Oxford American—an award-winning, national publication that graciously presented the event—was a success and was covered by local media, including Channel 11 and the High Profile section of the Democrat-Gazette. The soiree included food and drinks, photos with Santa & his furry helpers from the Village, and a fabulous silent auction. FAV also formally announced our $100,000 anonymous donation to our guests.
Amount raised: $3,354.81


  • October 20th :: Surprise LRAV Donation

FAV presented Little Rock Animal Village director, Tracy Roark with a check for $10,000 at the 2nd Annual Doggie Paddle Day event. The donation was proudly announced during the Pet Photo Contest awards ceremony and was covered by local media.
Amount donated to Village: $10,000


  • October 20th :: Doggie Paddle Day

FAV's 2nd annual dog swim event—where we invite the public to bring their dogs to swim and play—was held at the Jim Dailey Fitness & Aquatic Center. Entry was $10 per dog, $15 for two dogs. Several local media outlets covered the event. We also featured the awards ceremony for our Pet Photo Contest.
Amount raised & donated to Village: $525


  • September 2013 :: Pet Photo Contest

Fundraiser contest promoted via website, Facebook, and the local media. 104 photos were submitted online at $10 per entry and then reviewed by local celebrity judges. The awards ceremony took place at our 2nd annual Doggie Paddle Day in October.
Funds raised: $1,040


  • August 2013 :: Veggie Valet

The River Market graciously allowed FAV to work their "Veggie Valet" table at the Little Rock Farmer's Market. They in turn donated $787 to the Animal Village for our efforts.
Amount raised for the Village: $787


  • July 2013 :: BlueCross BlueShield of AR Donation

Thank you to BCBS of Arkansas for their generous donation, which they raised through their "Blue Jeans Friday" fundraiser!
Amount raised: $1,104


  • March 6th :: "Paint for Pets" Fundraiser

The public was invited to attend this FAV fundraiser held at Spirited Art in Little Rock, who graciously donated a portion of the proceeds to FAV. More than 40 people registered and attended, and local media covered the event.
Amount raised: $717.50



  • October 2012 :: Doggie Paddle Day

FAV's 1st annual dog swim event held at Jim Dailey Fitness Center Pool. Entry was $10 per dog. 37 dogs (and their owners) attended. Several local media outlets covered the event.
Amount raised & donated to Village: $400


  • April 2012 :: HSUS Grant

FAV receives a $5,000 grant from Humane Society of the U.S. to be donated to the Village for construction funding.
Amount donated to Village: $5,000


  • March - May 2012 :: Happy Tails Adoption Drive

2nd annual adoption drive held at LRAV, during which FAV subsidized adoption fees for four entire weeks. We reached new record—160 animals were adopted! Coverage by television stations provided excellent exposure for the Village.
Amount donated to Village: $6,383.90


  • January 2012 :: Paint for Pets Fundraiser

The public was invited to attend this FAV fundraiser held at Spirited Art in Little Rock. Spirited Art graciously donated a portion of proceeds to FAV. More than 50 people registered and attended, and several local media outlets covered the event.
Amount raised for adoption drive: $1,250


  • January 2012 :: New Years Donation of $500


  • January 2012 :: Pet Photo Contest

Fundraiser contest promoted via website, Facebook, and the media. Over 80 photos were submitted online at $10 per entry and were then reviewed by local celebrity judges. An awards ceremony and coverage by local media provided excellent exposure for the Village.
Amount raised for adoption drive: $880



  • July 2011 :: Happy Tails Adoption Drive

FAV subsidized adoption fees at LRAV during its 1st annual adoption drive. 100 dogs and 50 cats were adopted from LRAV during July (usually a low adoption month). Arkansas Times and local television stations donated promotion and media coverage, which provided excellent exposure for the Village. 

Amount raised & donated to Village: $3,204


  • July 23rd :: Leah's Lemonade Stand

Four year-old Leah Chavis took is upon herself to manage a lemonade stand and donate the money raised to the animals at LRAV. She is our very first student-level member and we were thrilled to welcome her!

Amount raised: $138.11


  • April 2011 :: Launched Website and More

Membership form and promotional brochures were designed, printed, and made available online. FAV's Facebook page and website were launched, and we began accepting online donations and memberships. FAV's merchandise e-store was launched to sell promotional items such as t-shirts, hats, buttons, and much more—Check out all of the great FAV merchandise available!



  • October 2010 :: Founding of FAV

FAV incorporated on October 11, 2010—both our bylaws and bank account were established, and the FAV logo was trademarked. Board members were appointed and officers were elected.

FAV's Photo Gallery  (click to enlarge)
Commander in Cuteness

Commander in Cuteness

This lovely lady was the first to adopt a pet during our Presidential Pets event. We gave her a complimentary FAV frisbee, but that paled in comparison to her brand new BFF.



FAV's Treasurer and Vice President presenting LRAV director Tracy Roark with a $10,000 check at our 2014 Doggie Paddle Day event. The money will go towards building Joey's Playroom.

Getting Artsy For a Great Cause

Getting Artsy For a Great Cause

A colorful scene from our 2013 Paint for Pets event at Spirited Art.

The Founding Friends

The Founding Friends

In October 2010 a group of like-minded folks joined together to create the Friends of the Animal Village. Super powers include attracting fur, the ability to put in long hours, and dog whispering...

Now That's a Big Check!

Now That's a Big Check!

Our Vice President presenting LRAV director, Tracy Roark with a $100,000 check at the 1st annual Santa Paws Holiday Party. This was a huge moment for FAV and the Village!

Doggie Paradise

Doggie Paradise

This is one of our favorite scenes from Doggie Paddle Day 2013. So lovely, and you can tell those pups are having the time of their lives!

Rockin' the Fest

Rockin' the Fest

FAV was a presence at the 2014 Little Rocktoberfest event. It was a great chance for us to meet more members of the community, promote the LRAV, and show off our awesome merch.

Pets Make Paw Prints On Your Heart

Pets Make Paw Prints On Your Heart

Meet Casey Chandler, who designed the t-shirt she's wearing and sold them throughout February 2014 to raise money for the animals at the Village. Such an amazing young lady!

Speech! Speech!

Speech! Speech!

LRAV director Tracy Roark addressing those in attendance at the 2nd annual Doggie Paddle Day. As you can see, FAV presented him with a $10,000 check at the event.

Summer Days

Summer Days

Here's a shot from the 2011 3rd Street Block Party. We had a blast hanging out with folks in the community, and we helped get ten pups adopted that day.



One of the shots submitted for our 2012 Pet Photo Contest. I mean, c'mon. That's adorable.

Puppies Make Life Fabulous

Puppies Make Life Fabulous

This little lady is Leah. Not only does her shirt rock, but she also raised over $130 for the animals at LRAV with her lemonade stand!

Super Doggg!

Super Doggg!

This adorable little jack russell named Evidence won the "heart" award in our jump competition at Doggie Paddle Day 2014. This pint sized pooch is proof that the size of a dog's heart isn't determined by the size of the dog itself.

Our Forest Of Friends

Our Forest Of Friends

Folks who attended our 2012 Paint for Pets event proudly showing off their artistry.

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